What is the SCOR System?
The SCOR System is a statistical compilation of 4 complicated ranking systems compiled from different statistical formulas. There are two seperate statistical rankings calculated in the SCOR System: The SCOR Rating, and the SCOR Value. The SCOR Rating assigns each player a rating. This value is a statistical representation how effective a player is. The SCOR Value takes a players SCOR Rating, and compares that rating to their individual salaries. Using this comparison, you can determine whether or not a player is "worth" their paycheck.
Which Ranking Systems are used to calculate the SCOR System?
1. Adjusted Plus/Minus - This ranking method takes the basic +/- structure, and uses regression analysis (statistical analysis) to eliminate shortcomings of the basic +/- structure which is heavily swayed dependent on quality of team, team depth, and so on. The adjusted plus/minus identifies separately a player's Offensive and Defensive Efficiency in comparison to the rest of the league (listed by percentile). For the SCOR System, we took the average of offensive and defensive efficiency. To see the Adjusted Plus/Minus rankings, click on the link below:
2. Floor Impact Counter (FIC) - This ranking method takes into account assists and blocks when rating a player's statistical system. The system also differentiates between offensive and defensive rebounds, offenisive rebounds carry a slightly higher value. This system also slightly reduces the value of missed field goals and missed free throws. This ratings method also offers a per 40 minute version, which is known as the FIC40.
3. The Reina Value (RV) - This ranking method takes a players production and compares that production to a player's salary. RealGM Christopher Reina is the creator of both the RV and FIC. The average RV for the top 150 players shows production is significantly higher than zero. For the SCOR System, I took used the difference between the actual RV and average RV, which places the average RV to zero. To see the rating systems for the FIC and RV, click on the link below:
How is the SCOR System Calculated?
SCOR Rating = FIC40 * [ (0.5*Team Win %) + (0.5*Adjusted +/-) ]
SCOR Value = (.10 * Adjusted RV Rating) * SCOR Rating
SCOR System Version 1.0: (Click on Pictures to Enlarge)
The SCOR System combines 4 statistical rankings systems to produce 1 superior statistical ranking system. Version 1.0 is the first of many future versions to be produced. This first version takes the top 150 players in the RV system. Additionally, 5 more Jazz players have been added to the statistics base.
Until I can find a way to post the full Excel File (which can be sorted according to the desired category), I'll post screenshots of the spreadsheet below:

How did Jazz players fare? (Click on Pictures to Enlarge)