Before we get to the post, let me welcome our readers back for another Utah Jazz offseason. Captain Obvious would state that this will be one of the most eventful offseasons in the history of our beloved franchise.

Let’s start with the Eastern Conference Finals. After suffering a lopsided defeat in g
ame 6, LeBron James exited the court without participating in the traditional congratulations and post-series back patting ceremonies. After the confetti had settled, James was a no-show in the media hall for interviews. Nothing James could have said or done in the press conference could have spoken as loudly as his noticeable absence from league mandatory media relations.
James’ controversial reaction to defeat has raised a question in my mind: What motivates a champion? Is it a player’s will to win? Or is it the hatred of defeat what puts a player/team/coach on top of the sporting world?

Jazz coach Jerry Sloan subscribes to the concept of hating to lose. Did you know that as an NBA player, Jerry Sloan would pin up a picture of the opposing player he had been assigned to defend in his locker prior to every game? I wonder if he carries a picture of Phil Jackson in his wallet to remind him of how far short his team has ended the past two seasons? These days Phil’s awkward face may have been replaced by a Free Drink coupon to Texas Roadhouse.
Speaking of the zen master, Phil Johnson subscribes to a different theory than Coach Sloan. Johnson believes what fuels a championship is a superstar’s will to win. Think positive, stay focused, give the ball to Kobe, and get out of his way…is there a better recipe for success in today’s NBA? If so, try to tell a guy with a championship ring for every one of his cat’s lives.
Michael Jordan, Larry Bird and Kobe Bryant all were praised for their off-season workout regimes. Each player enjoyed the highest levels of success during their NBA careers. All suffered defeat before reaching and winning the NBA finals. Certainly work ethic played a big part for each of these players, but what fueled these players to work so hard all the time? Was it the feeling of defeat each suffered in college and the NBA? It could reasonably be assumed that these players never wanted to feel that sting of defeat again, and would do anything to overcome defeat. Or was it the ability to cope with defeat? It is also reasonable to assume that before a player can play at the highest level, they can’t be afraid to make mistakes. This belief is better suited with the belief that a champion’s motivation is fueled by a will to win, even if it means losing along the way.

Let’s return to Saturday Night’s Eastern Conference Finals. The NBA’s golden child exited the court and arena noticeably frustrated. The competitive side of me wants to love the fact that LeBron truly hated to be associated with defeat, recognizing that I might do the same thing. One of my biggest pet peeves is w
atching players burst out in smiles and laughter the second after the final horn sounds. The NBA would be much more entertaining if there were more guys like LeBron James and Jerry Sloan with pictures of the enemy pinned to their lockers.
On the opposite side, Cavalier fans should be worried. Is the pressure of being the anointed one getting to LeBron? Was the shock of an unfulfilled prophecy too much to bare? While the reigning MVP did not shy away from taking the big shot (make or miss), his post-game behavior confirmed to onlookers why James has not yet won a title, the king has not yet learned to accept defeat.

My conclusion: LeBron is at least 2 years away from his first of many NBA championships. Once James learns that success isn’t about playing in the biggest NBA city (New York City in 2010), or becoming a billionaire (publicly declared), at that point, James will be mature enough to win his championships. Until then, living up to the labels the NBA is forcing upon him will be a monumental task. If James does choose to skip town, basketball fans everywhere may miss out on the greatest athlete professional sports has ever seen.
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YOU'RE BACK!!!! Looking forward to another summer of indepth analysis!
Back for the Off-Season. Unfortunately this one came sooner than I would have liked.
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